Physical Ai

Hundreds of AI Skills Orchestrated By One AI Arbiter In Real-Time

Recursively orchestrated Physical AI agents

Physical AI with hundreds of AI Agents

We create Physical AI as a composite of hundreds of AIs
Each "AI agent" is trained to have a highly specific skill

... that enable any application

Most industrial & logistics applications require 50-100 skills
Core AI skills enable sensing, thinking and moving
Industry-specific skills handle specific packages or boxes
Arbiter orchestrates all categories of skills

fiber smart record circle

Sense AI

Real-time 3D vision and a human-like sense-of-touch with force and pressure sensing.

fiber smart record circle

Think ai

AI that simulates and reasons about the world with the ability to think many steps ahead and create 3D Tetris-like structures with random boxes. Great for palletizing and floor-loading trucks.

fiber smart record circle

moVE ai

Robot-agnostic generative pre-trained AI motion control skills for every robot shape, degree of freedom, payload, and OEM.

fiber smart record circle

corrugate & parcel ai

AI powered grasping trained and tested with 50M+ production picks. Moves boxes and parcels from 3x3x1” to 40x36x36”.


Many Apps.
One AI Arbiter.

Enterprises deal with extraordinary operational variations. Having to re-train AIs for changing operational conditions imposes punitive adoption costs and amplifies risk. 

Using teams of AI agents and Dexterity’s unique Arbiter means that instead of re-training a new AI every site or season, you can just swap out a non-performant skill for an improved one.

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Physical AI BUILT FOR EnterpriseS

The Dexterity Difference

In a world where AI startups are proliferating, Dexterity’s focus on enterprises sets it apart.

Kevin Chavez

Enterprises need one AI partner to tackle their most important tasks. The Dexterity Physical AI platform makes it possible to build apps that can handle the widest possible set of challenges for robots.

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RobERT Sun

AI is moving from one foundation model to a complex mini-model approach - picking the right model to solve the right problem in the safest, most computationally complex way. Dexterity is the only robotics company to deploy this approach at large enterprises.

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Bing Gordon
Former Board Member of Amazon

AI is the most transformative technology of our time. Combined with robotics, there should be an infinite amount of value that AI can provide enterprises. Dexterity is the first company to unlock the full potential of Physical AI for large-scale customers.

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Raviraj Jain
Lightspeed VC

The company’s full-stack approach, combined with minimal installation timelines and costs has meant that any large company in need of automation support are able to get started almost immediately.

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